If you want to keep your travel trailer in tip-top shape and ready for its next adventure, it’s important to keep it maintained. New RV owners often face difficulty determining where to start, but don’t worry – we’ve got you covered!

Sunrise Camping Center is your preferred RV dealership in North Carolina, and our experts have gathered a few tips to help keep your camper in pristine condition and working smoothly. Read on to learn more, and for more information, swing by our dealership to chat with our team!

Clean Your Travel Trailer Thoroughly

Ideally, you should clean your travel trailer after each trip and before putting it in storage. You’ll want to ensure you wash the exterior to prevent dirt and grime from building up and damaging the paint. You’ll also want to remove any debris stuck in your tire treads and cleanse the windows, windshield, and mirrors before heading out. Additionally, you should clean out all interior surfaces of your travel trailer regularly to help keep germs at bay and prevent mold growth.

Check the Exterior and Interior

Next, you’ll want to examine your travel trailer and identify any signs of unusual wear and tear or damage before heading out. Inspect your windows, doors, A/C vents, lights, skylights, etc., and ensure everything is in good working order. Pay attention to any cracked or broken seams around your windows and other openings and reseal these gaps before hitting the road. Water can enter your RV through these holes and damage it, so keep this in mind and try to detect the problem before it affects the structural integrity of your camper and your on-road safety.

Maintain Your Tires

Most importantly, you should examine your travel trailer’s tires and ensure they can handle your weight on the road. Adjust the tire pressure to your manufacturer’s recommendation and replace a bad tire before hitting the road. If the tread depth in your tires is less than 2/32 of an inch, change your tires as soon as possible.

We hope you find these tips handy when maintaining your travel trailer. If you need more maintenance advice or are still in the market for an RV, visit Sunrise Camping Center. We are in Hickory, NC, and proud to serve those from Charlotte and Asheville, so reach out today!